Village of Lily Lake
43W955 Twilight Lane Ste. A
St. Charles, IL 60175
​​Email: clerk@villageoflilylake.org
630.365.9677 Office 630.365.9827 Fax
Office hours M-Th 9:00-1:00
The Village of Lily Lake has contracted with Kane County Animal Control for the pick-up of stray dogs and limited wild animals.
Provided are links detailing the fees associated with pick-ups and their restrictions. The Village will approve the pick-up of stray dogs, only if they are corralled. Injured or sick wildlife will be determined per request. Cats and general wildlife will not be approved for pick-up.
For the removal of wildlife which may have taken up residency in your yard, deck, etc., please contact a local wildlife removal company.
Keeping of Bees, limited domestic livestock and domestic fowl, is permitted on residential-zoned properties in Lily Lake. More information can be found on the Ordinance page of this website

Village of Lily Lake Animal Control Agreement